Phoenix Mental Health Services offers a Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Clinic. As part of all of our rTMS treatment packages, the initial assessment is completed by one of our Consultant Psychiatrists prior to starting treatment and additional follow-ups throughout the course of treatment.
Depending on your condition, an individually tailored treatment regime will be put together. Click here to see the different conditions we treat.
It is important to us that this treatment fits in with your schedule so we usually offer two treatments a day, meaning that the treatment protocols can be fitted into half the time and improvements could occur as soon as two weeks after the start of treatment.
Based on the feedback from our patients, the common side effects include a mild headache and perhaps some light-headedness.
We offer rTMS to treat a variety of conditions including:
The range of medical interventions for depression is quite considerable and we can prescribe many different medications and we can offer you psychological therapies too (see our Depression Clinic for more information). For some, their preference is to not take medication and for others medication does not seem to work or they cannot tolerate it, therefore a suitable alternative is rTMS.
This treatment is suitable for a wide range of patients and has been approved by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
If you want a short introduction to our rTMS clinic, you can watch this video below.
Anxiety is a very common experience, which can be very debilitating on a day-by-day basis. While some people prefer medication, others prefer not to and therefore rTMS is a suitable option. rTMS for anxiety can be given as the main treatment option or in conjunction with another rTMS treatment protocol.
Our OCD rTMS programme combines rTMS with exposure therapy and has been shown to reduce symptoms of OCD. It can be combined with other treatment modalities such as medication and talking therapies.
Treatment for other conditions can be discussed with your Consultant Psychiatrist.
Below is a flow-chart showing our approach:

If you are unsure if this clinic will be suitable for you, why not book a free 15-minute conversation with our Senior rTMS Therapist below or you can contact her on 0370 162 0673 extension 2 or email on [email protected].
We can also discuss the possibility on home treatments in exceptional cases.
We take pride in our speedy response time and we aim to reply to all enquiries within one working day. The time between the initial screening and discussion of diagnosis is as little as two weeks.