Memory Clinic

Phoenix Mental Health Services offer a comprehensive memory assessment and treatment package. The aim of this memory clinic is to:

Offer a prompt memory screen remotely which is the same tool as is used in the NHS, a Mini-Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Questionnaire (M-ACE).
Utilise multiple screenings and questionnaires to allow the Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist to get as much background information as possible before meeting you, and to generate outcome measures that allows us to monitor your progress during your time with us.
Offer an assessment with our Consultant Psychiatrist, who will provide you with a detailed report with recommendations.
Immediately identify which investigations are needed and initiate these.
Clarify your diagnosis, if one is to be made or has not already been given.
When appropriate, start medication immediately and offer quick access to alternative treatments, often not available on the NHS or have long waiting lists.
Do You Have Private Medical Insurance?
Email Address
Patient’s Date of Birth
What is your enquiry about?
Please Select One
  • Depression/Anxiety Clinic
  • ADHD Clinic
  • Memory Clinic
  • Brain Injury Clinic
  • Talking Therapies
  • rTMS Clinic
  • Long Covid
  • LGBTQ+ Clinic
  • Just Medics
  • Alcohol Addictions Clinic
  • Opioid Addictions Clinic
  • Cannabis Clinic
  • Dietetics Clinic
  • Qb Check
  • Genetic Testing
  • Sleep Assessment
  • Cogmed
  • Coaching
0 of 350

Next Steps

  1. 1
    Download and complete our memory clinic eligibility form
    You can download it here
  2. 2
    If eligible, you will be asked to complete our registration process.
  3. 3
    You will be contacted by our therapist to arrange a free (online) memory screening
    Please note that this is not diagnostic. 
  4. 4
    Pay for our comprehensive memory clinic assessment
    The fee is £2,195.
  5. 5
    We will:
    Send you some questionnaires to complete
    Arrange a more detailed online memory screening with our therapist
    Arrange an MRI scan at a hospital local* to you.
    Request some physical health information from your GP

    Please note that your appointment cannot go ahead until we have received this information from your GP. This may also include them calling you in for a blood test and completing an ECG.
    *We offer the hospital that is the closest to you from the selection we have access to. The number of miles cannot be guaranteed*
  6. 6
    Memory Clinic Assessment with our Consultant Psychiatrist
  7. 7
    You will receive a full report with recommendations
    Your clinician will make you aware of the time frame

Frequently Asked Questions

I keep forgetting things, have I got dementia?

As we get older, we all have the experience of forgetting things, such as people’s names or where you have put your keys.  Although this can be one of the first signs of dementia, it usually is a sign of normal aging.

In order for a consultant to give you a diagnosis of dementia, he or she will ask about how the memory difficulties started,if they have got worse and whether they are interfering with your everyday activities, for example getting lost when going to the local shop.

There are many reasons other than dementia that explain why people become forgetful; common causes include stress, vitamin deficiency, infections, thyroid problems or other common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

So it is always important to seek a medical opinion to ensure all treatable conditions are eliminated promptly.

What is the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia?

Dementia is an umbrella term which is used for a range of progressive conditions of the brain, meaning they get worse over time.

There are over 200 subtypes of dementia, but the five most common are: Alzheimer’s disease (this is the most common one), vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, frontotemporal dementia and mixed dementia (usually a combination of 2 subtypes of dementia).

The reason that your consultant will try and classify the subtype of dementia, is because it will help with identifying the correct treatment.

Alzheimer’s Disease is only for older people...

Not always.

Although most people with dementia are over the age of 65, in the UK over 42,000 people with dementia are under 65, with many of them in their 50s or early 60s. In some very rare cases dementia can affect people much younger than 50, this is called early- or young-onset dementia.

Is there a cure?

Unfortunately, not yet, although there are a number of promising trials happening which provide new insights into the disease process and will help with the development for new medications. .

It is thought that because dementia is caused by different diseases, it is likely that there will be several approaches needed, depending on the subtype of the illness.

With that being said, there are treatment options that aim to slow down the symptoms of dementia or to treat other conditions alongside the dementia. It is likely you will be referred to or self-refer to a memory clinic to discuss these options with a specialist.

Treatment options at the Phoenix Mental Health Services Memory Clinic include the use of specialist medication, cognitive stimulation programs to train your brain, treatment with r-TMS, nutritional interventions and talking therapies.  It is likely that you will benefit from more than one of these interventions.

One of my parents has dementia, does that mean I will have it?

Dementia becomes more common as people get older, so it is likely you will know someone or someone close to you will be living with the condition – but that does not mean you will develop it too. Most of the time the genes passed down from our parents will only have a small effect on our risk of dementia. In most cases our likelihood of developing dementia will depend on age and lifestyle, as well as the genes we have.

How can I reduce my risk of developing dementia?

There is no sure way to prevent dementia, but we do know some of the risk factors for the condition, and these can be changed. Leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly, means that you can lower your risk of dementia (and more certainly your risk of other cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or a heart attack).

To keep healthy:

  • don’t smoke
  • keep active and exercise regularly
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • eat a healthy balanced diet
  • only drink alcohol within recommended limits
  • control high blood pressure
  • keep cholesterol at a healthy level.

What happens after diagnosis?

The diagnosis of dementia is not the end, but the beginning of the journey.  The Memory Clinic at Phoenix Mental Health Services has been supporting people with a diagnosis for many years, often from the start of their illness, through to the latter stages.  This allows us to provide you with a consistent approach, which is tailored to your needs.  There is no need to worry about facing challenges alone.  We are here to support you, should you need it.

To make an appointment, please contact us.

You can enquire about this clinic and a free memory screening* by contacting our Memory Clinic Therapist on 0370 162 0673 extension 2 or email on [email protected]. Alternatively, click here to download our eligibility form and email it back to us.

If you are sure that this is the right clinic for you, please contact us to book an appointment with our Old Age Psychiatrist.

*Free memory screening is subject to eligibility. It is not confirmed until the necessary paperwork has been completed.