Welcome to our Flow tDCS service
Do you currently have the device and are using it and would like your protocol amended.?
Although Flow allow people to purchase the device without any consultant input, we would not be able to accept someone to join if they are not being reviewed by one of our Consultant Adult Psychiatrists. This is because there is a possibility symptoms could worsen or change and our therapists cannot comment nor advise on this. This would include a general psychiatric assessment and not just for Flow.
The fee for our tDCS service is £550. This includes an assessment with our consultant and to join our Flow clinic (which is an annual service and the first year's £100 fee included). As part of this service you will be:
If you're already using the Flow device, you're in the right place! Our annual tDCS service fee is £100, and it includes:
Offered a remote appointment with our therapist to discuss this treatment and your experience so far.
Able to liaise with our therapists about the treatment and they will be able to, with instruction from your Consultant Adult Psychiatrist, make changes to your protocol.
If you have more questions, please email our senior therapist on [email protected].